Decentralized pool for Monero mining

Updated 2024-04-25 11:57:23 -06:00

An Awesome List for getting started with web archiving

Updated 2024-04-25 02:43:26 -06:00

🐀 A link aggregator and forum for the fediverse

Updated 2024-04-25 02:26:17 -06:00

A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers

Updated 2024-04-24 12:32:16 -06:00

A curated list of command line apps

Updated 2024-04-24 00:59:39 -06:00

Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.

Updated 2024-04-23 22:49:58 -06:00

Web Hacker's Weapons / A collection of cool tools used by Web hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting

Updated 2024-04-23 00:40:40 -06:00

A curated list of awesome quantum computing learning and developing resources.

Updated 2024-04-23 00:21:22 -06:00

Lightweight monero payment gateway

Updated 2024-04-22 23:08:45 -06:00

Javascript wrapper for monero-wallet-rpc calls

Updated 2024-04-22 20:40:51 -06:00

A collection of awesome API Security tools and resources. The focus goes to open-source tools and resources that benefit all the community.

Updated 2024-04-21 10:41:57 -06:00

My curated list of awesome links, resources and tools on infosec related topics

Updated 2024-04-21 03:21:15 -06:00

A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red/Blue Team operations, Bug Bounty and more

Updated 2024-04-20 03:35:10 -06:00

Tunnel all your traffic over websocket protocol - Bypass firewalls/DPI - Static binary available

Updated 2024-04-19 13:54:54 -06:00

A helpful checklist/collection of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tips and techniques.

Updated 2024-04-18 06:43:28 -06:00

Play grateful dead shows from

Updated 2024-04-16 10:44:58 -06:00