Add Princeton ALgorithms to electives

Joshua Hanson 2017-02-19 17:59:11 -05:00
parent 2e32cc34cc
commit 5238d67a04
1 changed files with 8 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -172,15 +172,20 @@ Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites
## Electives
Some of these courses are offered less frequently, but you are encouraged to take them whenever they are available if you're interested.
Compilers is recommended to any student who took a strong interest in the Programming Languages courses.
Natural Language Processing is recommended to anyone who thinks they want to specialize in machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc.
Cryptography is recommended to anyone who wants to learn more about zero knowledge systems and other advanced topics in cryptography.
- Compilers is recommended to any student who took a strong interest in the Programming Languages courses.
- Natural Language Processing is recommended to anyone who thinks they want to specialize in machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc.
- Cryptography is recommended to anyone who wants to learn more about zero knowledge systems and other advanced topics in cryptography.
- The Princeton Algorithms courses are highly recommended as a more practical, implementation-focused complement to the Stanford Algorithms courses recommended as part of Core CS.
However, Part II is rarely available, so they are electives at this time.
Note that the assignments are in Java, but don't require extensive Java experience
Courses | Duration | Effort | Prerequisites
:-- | :--: | :--: | :--:
[Cryptography II](| 6 weeks | 6-8 hours/week | Cryptography I
[Compilers](| 9 weeks | 6-8 hours/week | none
[Introduction to Natural Language Processing](| 12 weeks | - | Python programming
[Algorithms, Part I]( | 6 weeks | 6-12 hours/week | some programming
[Algorithms, Part II]( | 6 weeks | 6-12 hours/week | Algorithms, Part I
## Pro CS