some 'fix example.js 01.01.02

Eric Douglas 2014-05-12 21:26:33 -03:00
parent fa6a77b3ad
commit d0985b493a
1 changed files with 0 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -1,21 +1,3 @@
x = 3; // Create variable and assign value 3 to it
x = x * x; // Bind x to value 9
console.log( x ); // print the x's value
process.stdout.write( 'Enter a number: ' ); // better way to print in the terminal
// convert the entered value from stream to a string
// process.stdin.setEncoding( 'utf8' );
var y = '';
process.stdin.once('data', function( inputText ) {
y = inputText.toString();
process.stdout.write( typeof y + '\n');
process.stdout.write( y + '\n' );
process.stdout.write( 'Enter another number: ' );
process.stdin.once('data', function( inputText ) {
y = parseFloat( inputText.toString() );
process.stdout.write( typeof y + '\n');
process.stdout.write( y + '\n' );