![MIT](http://i.imgur.com/Dwcu84C.jpg) **Files of my self-taught studies on MIT Open Courseware - Computer Science and Engineering** ## Basic Roadmap This roadmap was made upon [this](http://www.eecs.mit.edu/academics-admissions/undergraduate-programs/course-6-3-computer-science-and-engineering) flow chart of [this](http://www.eecs.mit.edu/academics-admissions/undergraduate-programs/course-6-3-computer-science-and-engineering) course. ||Course|Archives|Area| |---|---|---|---| |01|Introduction to Computer Science and Programming|[files](https://github.com/ericdouglas/MIT-computer-science/tree/master/archives/01-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming)|| |02|Mathematics for Computer Science|[files]()|| |03|Single Variable Calculus|[files]()|| |04|Physics I: Classical Mechanics|[files]()|| |05|Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs|[files]()|| |06|Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism|[files]()|| |07|Multivariable Calculus|[files]()|| |08|Linear Algebra|[files]()|| |09|Circuits and Electronics|[files]()|| |10|Computation Structures|[files]()|| |11|Elements of Software Construction|[files]()|| |12|Differential Equations|[files]()|| |13|Introduction to Algorithms|[files]()|| |14|Introduction to EECS II: Digital Communication Systems|[files]()|| |15|Computer System Engineering|[files]()|| |16|Artificial Intelligence|[files]()|| ### Other Basic Courses * 6.046J Design and Analysis of Algorithms * 6.080 Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science * 6.087 Practical Programming in C * 6.088 Introduction to C Memory Management and C++ Object-Oriented Programming * 6.090 Building Programming Experience: A Lead-In to 6.001 * 6.096 Introduction to C++ * 6.170 Laboratory in Software Engineering * 6.171 Software Engineering for Web Applications * 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems * 6.207J Networks * 6.338J Parallel Computing * 6.830 Database Systems * 6.831 User Interface Design and Implementation * 6.837 Computer Graphics * 6.857 Network and Computer Security * 6.S096 Introduction to C and C++ ||Course|Folder| |---|---|---| |01|Introduction to Computer Science and Programming|[Archives]()|