# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres *in spirit* to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/): - "MAJOR" updates correspond to changing the topics studied within a subject - "MINOR" updates correspond to changing courses without changing the topics - "PATCH" updates correspond to aesthetic and non-essential additions/removals or changing order of classes for better progression ## [8.0.0] 2017-11-01 ### Added - extras/readings: "The System Design Primer" - extras/readings: "Category Theory for Programmers: The Preface" - extras/readings: "Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation" - extras/readings: "Programming and Programming Languages" - CONTRIBUTING: "Learning Git" section to the contributor guidelines page - Core Math: Added "Essence of Linear Algebra" as pre-requisite to "Linear Algebra: Foundations to Frontiers" ### Updated - Moved "Introduction to Mathematical Thinking" to extras/courses - Moved "Hack the Kernel" (ops-class) from Advanced Systems to Core Systems - Core Systems: "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces" is no longer required, but is recommended as companion text to "Hack the Kernel" - Core Theory: Replaced Coursera with Lagunita as the host for Stanford Algorithms, since Coursera uses dark patterns to trick users into paying ## [7.2.2] 2017-07-02 ### Added - "Haskell Programming from First Principles" book as a paid alternative to learn Haskell - "Think Python" to extras/readings - FAQ entries and links under relevant courses - "Category Theory: A Gentle Introduction" to extras/readings ## [7.2.1] 2017-05-14 ### Updated - Networking course should take 8 weeks to complete - Fixed spelling error ### Added - Introduction to Haskell course to [extras/courses](extras/courses.md) ## [7.2.0] 2017-04-28 ### Added - Software Testing course - Link to Stanford Lagunita's Algorithms: Design and Analysis - Added link to the section on parametric equations and polar coordinates from MIT's Single Variable Calculus course in order to properly prepare students for Multivariable Calculus ## [7.1.2] 2017-04-22 ### Updated - Add link to Mega Project List in the introduction of the Projects section ## [7.1.1] 2017-04-11 ### Updated - Final touch to release ## [7.1.0] 2017-04-10 ### Updated - Reverted reformat of programming languages course ### Added - Reliable Distributed Algorithms courses - New Introduction to CS course ## [7.0.2] 2017-03-30 ### Updated - Moved optional online learning courses to extras/courses in a new section - Moved alternate computer architecture course to extras/courses ### Added - Scala specialization under Advanced applications ### Removed - Removed all but one choice for required readings to make the curriculum simpler ## [7.0.1] 2017-03-11 ### Updated - Fixed link to Bradfield's DIY computer science page ### Added - Note under Calculus One with links to errata and course progression recommendations - Optional courses under extras: - Strang's course on linear algebra - Berkeley's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Optional readings under extras: - Van Roy's advanced programming book - P&H's computer architecture book - Skiena's algorithms book - Strang's linear algebra book - Database Management Systems book - Tarr's book on creating your own Domain-specific language - Readings from various authors on distributed systems ## [7.0] 2017-03-09 Complete overhaul of program structure ### Updated - Clarified contributor guidelines and moved them to separated file - Switched from many subjects to just four subjects with many topics - Consolidated free-books.md and paid-books.md into readings.md - Consolidated free-courses.md and paid-courses.md into courses.md - Replace old "How to Code" with new "How to Code" (Software Development MicroMasters) - Replace Princeton Algorithms (moved to [alternative courses](#extras/courses.md)) with Stanford Algorithms ### Added - Indicate prerequisites for all courses - Requirements: subject/topic requirements and project requirements - Required readings on Haskell, Prolog, Operating Systems - Courses: Dan Grossman's Programming Languages - Courses: From Nand to Tetris - Elective course: Intro to Parallel Programming - Elective course: LAFF: Programming for Correctness - Elective course: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking - Elective courses: Electricity and Magnetism - Elective courses: MIT's Computation Structures - Elective course: Multivariable Calculus - Elective course: ops-class.org - Elective course: Automata Theory - Elective course: Introduction to Logic - Elective course: Computational Geometry - Elective course: Formal Concept Analysis - Elective course: Game Theory - Elective specializations: - Robotics - Data Minig - Big Data - Internet of Things - Cloud Computing - Full Stack Web Development - Data Science - Pro specializations: - Mastering Software Development in R - Artificial Intelligence Engineer - Machine Learning Engineer - Cybersecurity - Android Developer ### Removed - Removed many dead links and obsolete courses - Removed per-course project requirement - Course: Object-Oriented Programming in Java - Course: Funtional Programming in Scala - Course: Computer Architecture (but left as a footnote) - Course: Intro to Theoretical Computer Science - Course: Software Processes and Agile Practices - Course: Operating Systems & System Programming - Course: Introduction to Cyber Security - Course: Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming - Course: UX Design for Mobile Developers ## [6.0] 2016-10-09 ### Updated - Put Calculus One before and together with Mathematics for Computer Science - Improve text in "Order of the classes" ### Added - Create public Trello board with the new curriculum version - Create the section "How to track and show your progress" in "How to use this guide" - Add PROJECTS.md file - Copy all sections of curriculum to PROJECTS.md ### Removed - Remove "Next Goals" section - Remove reference to OSSU web app ## [5.1.0] 2016-08-20 Update to latest version of Math for Computer Science: ### Updated - Section: **Math (Discrete Math)** - Mathematics for Computer Science ## [5.0.0] 2016-08-20 Due to removed course, we had the following updates: ### Removed - Section: **Natural Language Processing** - Natural Language Processing ### Added - Section: **Natural Language Processing** - Introduction to Natural Language Processing ## [4.1.0] 2016-08-05 Due to Coursera's platform changes, we had the following updates: ### Fixed - Section: **Big Data** - Introduction to Big Data ## [4.0.0] 2016-07-30 Due to Coursera's platform changes, we had the following updates: ### Removed - Section: **Theory** - Automata - Section: **Math (Linear Algebra)** - Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications - Section: **Parallel Computing** - Heterogeneous Parallel Programming - Section: **Natural Language Processing** - Natural Language Processing ### Fixed - Section: **Computer Networks** - Computer Networks - Section: **Compilers** - Compilers ### Added - Section: **Theory** - Intro to Theoretical Computer Science - Section: **Math (Linear Algebra)** - Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers - Section: **Parallel Computing** - Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming - Section: **Natural Language Processing** - Natural Language Processing ## [3.0.0] 2016-05-04 ### Removed - Section: **Introduction to Computer Science**: - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python - From Nand to Tetris (Part 1) ### Added - Section: **Introduction to Computer Science**: - Introduction to Computer Science - CS50 ## [2.0.1] 2016-04-04 ### Fixed - Now students should enroll through our [web app](https://ossu.firebaseapp.com). ## [2.0.0] 2016-03-17 ### Fixed - Program Design section course's names and links ### Removed - **Introduction to Computer Science**: - Introduction to Computer Science - Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science - **Algorithms** - Analysis of Algorithms - **Programming Paradigms** - Principles of Reactive Programming - **Math (Calculus)** - Multivariable Calculus - **Software Architecture**: - Web Application Architectures - **Software Engineering**: - Agile Development Using Ruby on Rails - Basics - Agile Development Using Ruby on Rails - Advanced - Startup Engineering - **Computer Architecture**: - The Hardware/Software Interface - **Operating Systems**: - Operating System Engineering - **Computer Networks**: - Introduction to Computer Networking - **Cryptography**: - Applied Cryptography **ps**: These removed courses are now in the [extras](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science/tree/master/extras) section. ## [1.3.12] 2016-03-17 ### Added - How to collaborate: send new links to the extras section ## [1.3.11] 2016-03-06 ### Fixed - Nand to Tetris: change name and url - UC Berkeley Agile development: change name and url - Direct links to specializations ## [1.3.10] 2016-03-06 ### Fixed - Link from Systematic Program Design Part 2 course ## [1.3.9] 2015-11-09 ### Fixed - Link for the correct Natural Language Processing course ## [1.3.8] 2015-11-07 ### Added - Add "Project Suggestions" section with more references ## [1.3.7] 2015-11-01 ### Removed - Removed project.md file, moved to **help** repo ## [1.3.6] 2015-10-22 ### Added - Latest version of CS 162, Operating Systems and System Programming ## [1.2.6] 2015-10-19 ### Added - Badge/Link to the Awesome list ## [1.2.5] 2015-10-16 ### Fixed - Fix name of the section and add a hyperlink to it. ## [1.2.4] 2015-10-14 ### Removed - Removed citation about public commitment ## [1.2.3] 2015-10-12 ### Changed - Updated the prerequisite section for more clarity ## [1.2.2] 2015-10-12 ### Fixed - New link to issue intended for students' enrollment ## [1.2.1] 2015-10-11 ### Added - Article Git - the simple guide to the prerequisite section ##[1.1.1] 2015-10-11 ### Fixed - Fix typos - As MOOC is a "Massive Open Online Course" MOOC course is redundant - Elaborated on "real problem" - Fixed a few small grammatical and wording errors ## [1.1.0] 2015-10-08 ### Added - Motivation & Preparation section (optional resources) - Article: MIT Challenge - Course: Learning How to Learn ## [1.0.0] 2015-10-08 Release of the first **complete** version of the Computer Science curriculum