require 'erb' template = %q{

A collection of awesome tools used by Web hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting ## Family project [![WebHackersWeapons](]( [![MobileHackersWeapons](]( ## Table of Contents - [Weapons](#weapons) - Tools - [Bookmarklets]( - [Browser Extensions]( - [Burp and ZAP Extensions]( - [Contribute]( - [Thanks to contributor](#thanks-to-contributor) ## Weapons ### Tools <%= tools %> ### Bookmarklets <%= bookmarklets %> ### Browser Addons <%= browser_addons %> ### Burpsuite and ZAP Addons <%= burpzap_addons %> ## Thanks to (Contributor) I would like to thank everyone who helped with this project 👍😎 ![](/images/CONTRIBUTORS.svg) }.gsub(/^ /, '') tools = 4414 bookmarklets = 111 browser_addons = 111 burpzap_addons = 111 markdown =, trim_mode: "%<>") puts markdown.result