require 'json' require 'yaml' require "uri" def get_os install lst = [] if install['Linux'].length > 1 lst.push 'linux' end if install['MacOS'].length > 1 lst.push 'macos' end if install['Windows'].length > 1 lst.push 'windows' end return lst end def get_browser str lst = [] if str.include? 'Chrome' lst.push 'chrome' end if str.include? 'Firefox' lst.push 'firefox' end if str.include? 'Safari' lst.push 'safari' end if str.include? 'Burp' lst.push 'burpsuite' end if str.include? 'ZAP' lst.push 'zap' end if str.include? 'All' lst.push 'burpsuite' lst.push 'zap' end return lst end def get_url str urls = URI.extract(str).uniq urls.each do |url| if !url.include? "" return url.gsub(")","") end end return "" end def get_lang url if url.include? "" end end def migrate jsonfile, category file = data_hash = JSON.parse(file) data_hash.each do | name, obj | filename = name.gsub(' ','_')+".yaml" # Make object new_obj = {} new_obj['name'] = name new_obj['description'] = obj['Description'] new_obj['url'] = get_url obj['Data'] new_obj['category'] = category new_obj['types'] = [] if obj['Install'] != nil new_obj['platform'] = get_os(obj['Install']) end if category.include? 'addon' if obj['Type'].length > 0 new_obj['platform'] = get_browser(obj['Type']) end end new_obj['lang'] = [] # parse DATA new_obj['tags'] = [] # Convert to YAML yaml_data = YAML.dump(new_obj) # Save yaml file puts filename File.write("./weapons/#{filename}", yaml_data) end end migrate './data.json', 'tool' migrate './Bookmarklets/data.json', 'bookmarklet' migrate './Browser Extensions/data.json', 'browser-addon' migrate './Burp and ZAP Extensions/data.json', 'tool-addon'