Merge pull request #135 from lingtalfi/k

add k
Caleb Xu 2016-02-24 01:34:22 -05:00
commit 4b4a2f8bd4
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos.
* [hr]( - `<hr />` for your terminal
* [hstr]( - Bash History Suggest Box
* [k]( - k is a Zsh script to make directory listings more readable, adding Git status, fileweight colors and rotting dates
* [k alias]( - get kool aliases (and more) working with a simple one-liner
* [marker]( - Bookmark your shell commands
* [parallel]( - Build and execute shell command lines from standard input in parallel
* [pathpicker]( - Accepts inputs like grep, searches, git etc; allows selecting files from the result of the input, which you can then open or provide as argument to a command.