#!/bin/sh set -e #git checkout main # Creating the new tag new_tag="$1" third_semver=$(echo $new_tag | cut -d "." -f 3) # The ansible and docker installs should only update for non release-candidates # IE, when the third semver is a number, not '2-rc' if [ ! -z "${third_semver##*[!0-9]*}" ]; then pushd ../docker sed -i "s/dessalines\/lemmy:.*/dessalines\/lemmy:$new_tag/" docker-compose.yml sed -i "s/dessalines\/lemmy-ui:.*/dessalines\/lemmy-ui:$new_tag/" docker-compose.yml sed -i "s/dessalines\/lemmy-ui:.*/dessalines\/lemmy-ui:$new_tag/" federation/docker-compose.yml git add docker-compose.yml git add federation/docker-compose.yml popd # Setting the version for Ansible pushd ../../lemmy-ansible echo $new_tag > "VERSION" git add "VERSION" git commit -m"Updating VERSION" git tag $new_tag git push origin $new_tag git push popd fi # Update crate versions pushd .. old_tag=$(grep version Cargo.toml | head -1 | cut -d'"' -f 2) sed -i "s/{ version = \"=$old_tag\", path/{ version = \"=$new_tag\", path/g" Cargo.toml sed -i "s/version = \"$old_tag\"/version = \"$new_tag\"/g" Cargo.toml git add Cargo.toml cargo check git add Cargo.lock popd # Update the submodules git submodule update --remote git add crates/utils/translations # The commit git commit -m"Version $new_tag" git tag $new_tag # export COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 # export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 # Push git push origin $new_tag git push # Pushing to any ansible deploys # cd ../../../lemmy-ansible || exit # ansible-playbook -i prod playbooks/site.yml --vault-password-file vault_pass