2023-07-31 19:55:16 -07:00

64 lines
2.4 KiB

/// `macro_rules_attribute::derive(WithoutId!)` generates a variant of the struct with
/// `WithoutId` added to the name and no `id` field.
/// This is useful for making less redundant selections of multiple joined tables.
/// For example, selecting both `comment::post_id` and `post::id` is redundant if they
/// have the same value. In this case, the selection of `post::id` can be avoided by selecting
/// `PostWithoutId::as_select()` instead of `post::all_columns`.
/// This macro generates an `into_full` method, which converts to the sturct with `id`.
/// For example, `PostWithoutId` would have this:
/// `pub fn into_full(self, id: PostId) -> Post`
/// The `id` value can come from a column in another table, like `comment::post_id`.
/// The generated struct implements `Selectable` and `Queryable`.
macro_rules! WithoutId {
#[diesel(table_name = $table_name:ident)]
$vis:vis struct $struct_name:ident {
$_id_vis:vis id: $id_type:ty,
$field_vis:vis $field_name:ident : $field_type:ty,
) => {
::paste::paste! {
#[derive(::diesel::Queryable, ::diesel::Selectable)]
#[diesel(table_name = $table_name)]
$vis struct [<$struct_name WithoutId>] {
// Field attributes are not kept because either they are for other
// derive macros, or they are `#[cfg(...)]` which is evaluated before
// macro expansion.
$field_vis $field_name : $field_type,
impl [<$struct_name WithoutId>] {
pub fn into_full(self, id: $id_type) -> $struct_name {
$struct_name {
$($field_name : self.$field_name,)*
// Keep on removing the first attribute until `diesel(table_name = ...)` becomes
// the first, which will cause the first pattern to be matched.
(#[$_meta:meta] $($remaining:tt)*) => {
// This pattern is matched when there's no attributes.
($_vis:vis struct $($_tt:tt)*) => {
::std::compile_error!("`#[diesel(table_name = ...)]` is missing");