## Setting up P2Pool as a systemd service (Linux) With this config, P2Pool will run as a service with redirected I/O. It uses `p2pool` user which you should setup beforehand. You can execute console commands by running `echo "status" > /run/p2pool/p2pool.control` ### p2pool.service ``` [Unit] Description=p2pool daemon After=network-online.target systemd-modules-load.service monerod.service Wants=network-online.target systemd-modules-load.service monerod.service Requires=p2pool.socket [Service] Type=exec Sockets=p2pool.socket StandardInput=socket StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal # /usr/local/bin/p2pool.sh simply invokes the p2pool executable with your chosen command-line options. ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/p2pool.sh TimeoutStopSec=60 # Run as p2pool:p2pool User=p2pool Group=p2pool WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/p2pool [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ### p2pool.socket ``` # FIFO socket for controlling p2pool daemon [Unit] Description=Command FIFO for p2pool daemon [Socket] ListenFIFO=/run/p2pool/p2pool.control DirectoryMode=0755 SocketMode=0666 SocketUser=p2pool SocketGroup=p2pool RemoveOnStop=true ```