/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "uv_util.h" #include namespace p2pool { class TCPServer : public nocopy_nomove { public: struct Client; typedef Client* (*allocate_client_callback)(); TCPServer(int default_backlog, allocate_client_callback allocate_new_client); virtual ~TCPServer(); bool connect_to_peer(bool is_v6, const char* ip, int port); void drop_connections_async() { if (m_finished.load() == 0) { uv_async_send(&m_dropConnectionsAsync); } } void shutdown_tcp(); virtual void print_status(); uv_loop_t* get_loop() { return &m_loop; } virtual int external_listen_port() const { return m_listenPort; } bool connect_to_peer(bool is_v6, const raw_ip& ip, int port); virtual void on_connect_failed(bool /*is_v6*/, const raw_ip& /*ip*/, int /*port*/) {} void ban(bool is_v6, raw_ip ip, uint64_t seconds); virtual void print_bans(); struct Client { Client(char* read_buf, size_t size); virtual ~Client() {} virtual size_t size() const = 0; virtual void reset(); virtual bool on_connect() = 0; virtual bool on_read(char* data, uint32_t size) = 0; bool on_proxy_handshake(char* data, uint32_t size); virtual void on_read_failed(int /*err*/) {} virtual void on_disconnected() {} static void on_alloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf); static void on_read(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf); static void on_write(uv_write_t* req, int status); void close(); void ban(uint64_t seconds); void init_addr_string(); void asan_poison_this() const; char* m_readBuf; uint32_t m_readBufSize; TCPServer* m_owner; // Used to maintain connected clients list Client* m_prev; Client* m_next; uv_tcp_t m_socket; bool m_isV6; bool m_isIncoming; bool m_readBufInUse; bool m_isClosing; uint32_t m_numRead; enum { ADDR_STRING_SIZE = 72, }; raw_ip m_addr; int m_port; char m_addrString[ADDR_STRING_SIZE]; enum class Socks5ProxyState { Default, MethodSelectionSent, ConnectRequestSent, } m_socks5ProxyState; std::atomic m_resetCounter; }; struct WriteBuf { uv_write_t m_write = {}; Client* m_client = nullptr; void* m_data = nullptr; size_t m_dataCapacity = 0; }; std::multimap m_writeBuffers; WriteBuf* get_write_buffer(size_t size_hint); void return_write_buffer(WriteBuf* buf); template FORCEINLINE static void parse_address_list(const std::string& address_list, T&& callback) { return parse_address_list_internal(address_list, Callback::Derived(std::move(callback))); } template FORCEINLINE bool send(Client* client, T&& callback) { return send_internal(client, Callback::Derived(std::move(callback))); } private: static void on_new_connection(uv_stream_t* server, int status); static void on_connection_close(uv_handle_t* handle); static void on_connection_error(uv_handle_t* handle); static void on_connect(uv_connect_t* req, int status); void on_new_client(uv_stream_t* server); void on_new_client(uv_stream_t* server, Client* client); bool connect_to_peer(Client* client); bool send_internal(Client* client, Callback::Base&& callback); allocate_client_callback m_allocateNewClient; void close_sockets(bool listen_sockets); static void error_invalid_ip(const std::string& address); std::vector m_listenSockets6; std::vector m_listenSockets; protected: virtual const char* get_log_category() const; std::vector m_callbackBuf; int m_defaultBacklog; uv_thread_t m_loopThread; std::atomic m_loopThreadCreated; static void loop(void* data); static void parse_address_list_internal(const std::string& address_list, Callback::Base&& callback); void start_listening(const std::string& listen_addresses, bool upnp); bool start_listening(bool is_v6, const std::string& ip, int port, std::string address = std::string()); #ifdef WITH_UPNP int m_portMapping; #endif std::string m_socks5Proxy; bool m_socks5ProxyV6; raw_ip m_socks5ProxyIP; int m_socks5ProxyPort; std::atomic m_finished; int m_listenPort; uv_loop_t m_loop; #ifdef P2POOL_DEBUGGING void check_event_loop_thread(const char *func) const; #else static FORCEINLINE void check_event_loop_thread(const char*) {} #endif std::vector m_preallocatedClients; Client* get_client(); void return_client(Client* c); Client* m_connectedClientsList; std::atomic m_numConnections; std::atomic m_numIncomingConnections; uv_mutex_t m_bansLock; unordered_map m_bans; bool is_banned(bool is_v6, raw_ip ip); unordered_set m_pendingConnections; uv_async_t m_dropConnectionsAsync; static void on_drop_connections(uv_async_t* async) { reinterpret_cast(async->data)->close_sockets(false); } virtual void on_shutdown() = 0; uv_async_t m_shutdownAsync; uv_prepare_t m_shutdownPrepare; uv_timer_t m_shutdownTimer; uint32_t m_shutdownCountdown; uint32_t m_numHandles; static void on_shutdown(uv_async_t* async); }; } // namespace p2pool