diff --git a/5_Privacy_Respecting_Software.md b/5_Privacy_Respecting_Software.md index 1c6ba1d..f8be7ed 100644 --- a/5_Privacy_Respecting_Software.md +++ b/5_Privacy_Respecting_Software.md @@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ Google frequently modifies and manipulates search, and is in pursuit of eliminat | --- | --- | **[DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/)** | DuckDuckGo is a very user-friendly, fast and secure search engine. It's totally private, with no trackers, cookies or ads. It's also highly customisable, with dark-mode, many languages and features. They even have a [.onion](https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion) URL, for use with Tor and a [no Javascript version](https://duckduckgo.com/html/) **[Qwant](https://www.qwant.com/)** | French service that aggregates Bings results, with it's own results. Quant doesn't plant any cookies, nor have any trackers or third-party advertising. It returns non-biased search results, with no promotions. Quant has a unique, but nice UI. +**[Startpage](https://www.startpage.com/)** | Dutch search engine that searches on google and shows the results (slightly rearranged). It has several configurations that improve privacy during use (it is not open source) #### Notable Mentions [MetaGear](https://metager.org), [YaCy](https://yacy.net). Alternativley, host your own instance of [Searx](https://asciimoo.github.io/searx/)