diff --git a/rfc2.md b/rfc2.md index 39544e6..db6b91b 100644 --- a/rfc2.md +++ b/rfc2.md @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ follow these rules. The botlist command is our answer to not knowing the functions a bot provides. -All conformant bots MUST respond to `!botlist` with: (examples from [minerbot2](https://git.tildeverse.org/khuxkm/minerbot2), my personal IRC bot) +All conformant bots MUST respond to `!botlist` with: (examples from [minerbot2](https://tildegit.org/khuxkm/minerbot2), my personal IRC bot) - Maintainer (e.x.; "Maintainer: khuxkm@tilde.team") - Small description (optional) (e.x.; "A utility bot that does some other cool things too!") - Command list (e.x; "Commands: !foo !bar") -For conformance with [previous standards on other tilde boxes](http://tilde.town/wiki/bots/ircbots.html), bots SHOULD also respond to `!rollcall` with at least the command list. +For conformance with [previous standards on other tilde boxes](https://tilde.town/wiki/bots/ircbots.html), bots SHOULD also respond to `!rollcall` with at least the command list. Please note that the prefix of `!` is constant: no matter the usual prefix of the bot, it MUST respond to `!botlist` and/or `!rollcall` with the given prefix. @@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ IRC bots on tilde.chat MUST be updated to follow the botlist convention and set For bots on tilde.chat coming from tilde.town, maintainer info must be added, as well as an alias from "!botlist" to "!rollcall". -Bots made with [teambot](//git.tildeverse.org/team/teambot) will be updated to set usermode +B. +Bots made with [teambot](https://tildegit.org/team/teambot) will be updated to set usermode +B.