
168 lines
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2021-10-14 16:53:42 -06:00
'use strict'
const fs = require('fs').promises
const app = require('express')()
const wg = require('./wireguard')
// Variables
const PORT = 80
const IPV4_CIDR = 16
const IPV4_NET = '10.4'
const IPV6_CIDR = 80
const IPV6_NET = 'fd69:1337:0:420:f4:f4'
const WG_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/wireguard/wg.conf'
const TLD = 'gf4'
const SERVERS = [
host: 'ksn',
ipv4: '',
ipv6: 'fd69:1337:0:420:f4:f4::1',
pubkey: '/LrbvvmXLk2ZmU94JZua+eliqySuJ4QMHApthjvhO3s=',
endpoint: '',
dns: true,
local: true,
}, {
host: 'krow',
ipv4: '',
ipv6: 'fd69:1337:0:420:f4:f4::3',
pubkey: '6VA79LOmlUaJSD1AiLEMCtnjMRZ7rwRrdbtNSCDtO2k=',
endpoint: '',
dns: true,
//TODO: Extract this from SERVERS with dns=true
const DNS_SERVERS = ', fd69:1337:0:420:f4:f4::1,, fd69:1337:0:420:f4:f4::3'
// API
app.get('/', async (req,res) => {
const privkey = req.query['del']
const hostname = req.query['add']
const requester = req.ip.replace('::ffff:','')
// Delete a peer
if (privkey) {
console.log(`Deleting ${privkey} from ${req.ip}`)
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
res.send(`Delete ${privkey}`)
// Add a peer
else if (hostname) {
console.log(`New peer request from ${requester}`)
// Determine user subnet
let subnet
if (requester.includes(IPV4_NET)) subnet = requester.split('.').slice(-2,-1)[0]
else if (requester.includes(IPV6_NET)) subnet = requester.split(':').slice(-2,-1)[0]
else console.log(`Received add request from ${requester}, which does not appear to be from the network.`)
// Read wg.conf file for this user's other devices
const userpeers = (await fs.readFile(WG_CONFIG_FILE)).toString()
.split('\n\n').filter( (paragraph) => {
return paragraph.includes('[Peer]')
}).filter( (peer) => {
return peer.includes(`${IPV4_NET}.${subnet}`) || peer.includes(`${IPV6_NET}:${subnet}`)
let found_usernames = []
let found_ipv6s = []
let found_ipv4s = []
for (const userpeer of userpeers) {
for (const line of userpeer.split('\n')) {
if (line.includes('[Peer]')) {
// Check if host exists
if (line.includes(`# ${hostname}.`)) {
console.log(`Host already exists for ${hostname}`)
res.sendStatus(500); return
2021-10-14 16:53:42 -06:00
else if (line.includes('AllowedIPs')) {
const ips = line.split('=')[1].split(',')
found_ipv4s.push(ips.filter( (ip) => ip.includes(IPV4_NET) ))
found_ipv6s.push(ips.filter( (ip) => ip.includes(IPV6_NET) ))
// Check that all IP addresses are in correct subnet or error out
if (!found_ipv4s.every((found_ipv4) =>
found_ipv4.toString().includes(`${IPV4_NET}.${subnet}.`))) {
console.log(`Found unmatching IPv4 address subnets for ${requester}: ${found_ipv4s}`)
res.sendStatus(500); return
2021-10-14 16:53:42 -06:00
} else if (!found_ipv6s.every((found_ipv6) =>
found_ipv6.toString().includes(`${IPV6_NET}:${subnet}:`))) {
console.log(`Found unmatching IPv6 address subnets for ${requester}: ${found_ipv6s}`)
res.sendStatus(500); return
2021-10-14 16:53:42 -06:00
// Check that all usernames are correct or error out
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/35568895
} else if (!found_usernames.every( (v,i,r) => v === r[0] )) {
console.log(`Found unmatching usernames for ${requester}: ${found_usernames.toString()}`)
res.sendStatus(500); return
2021-10-14 16:53:42 -06:00
// Everything looks good! Proceed
} else {
const username = found_usernames[0]
console.log(`${requester} must be ${username}`)
// Find next available host part in config
const used_ipv4_hosts = found_ipv4s.map((found_ipv4) =>
const used_ipv6_hosts = found_ipv6s.map((found_ipv6) =>
let host = 1
while ([...used_ipv4_hosts,...used_ipv6_hosts].includes(host.toString())) host++
// Create IP Addresses and keys
const ipv4_addr = `${IPV4_NET}.${subnet}.${host}`
const ipv6_addr = `${IPV6_NET}:${subnet}:${host}`
const keypair = await wg.generateKeypair()
const pubkey = keypair[0]
const privkey = keypair[1]
// Create [Peer] sections for each SERVERS
let client_peers = []
let server_peers = {}
for (const server of SERVERS) {
const psk = await wg.generatePSK()
[Peer] # ${server.host}.${TLD}
PublicKey = ${server.pubkey}
PresharedKey = ${psk}
AllowedIPs = ${server.ipv4}/32, ${server.ipv6}/128
Endpoint = ${server.endpoint}
PersistentKeepAlive = 25`)
const server_config = `\n
[Peer] # ${hostname}.${username}.${TLD}
PublicKey = ${pubkey}
PresharedKey = ${psk}
AllowedIPs = ${ipv4_addr}/32, ${ipv6_addr}/128`
if (server.local) {
// Add server_config to wg0.conf
} else {
//TODO: Send server_config to `${server.host}.gf4`
console.log(`Sending config to ${server.host}.gf4`)
//TODO: Nameserver config
// Generate config
const listen_port = Math.floor(50000 + Math.random() * 10000)
const config = `[Interface]
PrivateKey = ${privkey}
Address = ${ipv4_addr}/${IPV4_CIDR}, ${ipv6_addr}/${IPV6_CIDR}
ListenPort = ${listen_port}
PostUp = resolvectl domain ${TLD} ${TLD}
// Send config to user
res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain')
// Invalid querystring
else { console.log(`Invalid querystring: ${req.query}`) }