Added error handling to ssl_peer_add

Keith Irwin 2022-09-09 20:02:39 -06:00
parent bf8c76ed74
commit 9e3931a260
Signed by: ki9
GPG Key ID: DF773B3F4A88DA86
1 changed files with 41 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -19,16 +19,34 @@ CONFIG_FILE='/etc/wgapi/config'
[ -f '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf' ] || exit 5
source "${CONFIG_FILE}"
# TODO: Get username, hostname
printf 'Signing SSL certs for %s.%s.%s...\n' "${hostname}" "${username}" "${TLD}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
# Generate key
/usr/bin/openssl genrsa -out "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}/server.key" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 7
chmod 400 "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}/server.key"
/usr/bin/openssl genrsa -out "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR:?}/${username:?}/${hostname:?}/server.key" >/dev/null 2>&1 || (
printf 'Failed to generate SSL key %s/%s/server.key\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
[ -f "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR:?}/${username:?}/${hostname:?}/server.key" ] || (
printf 'SSL key %s/%s/server.key was not generated!\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
chmod 400 "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}/server.key" || (
printf 'Failed to chmod SSL key %s/%s/server.key\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
# Generate config
[ "${ipstring}" != "" ] && san="${san},${ipstring}"
cat '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf' <(printf '%s' "${san}") \
> "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}.cnf"
> "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR:?}/${username:?}/${hostname:?}.cnf" || (
printf 'Failed to generate %s/%s.cnf\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
# Generate CSR
/usr/bin/openssl req -new -sha256 -reqexts SAN \
@ -36,7 +54,10 @@ cat '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf' <(printf '%s' "${san}") \
-out "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}.csr" \
-config "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}.cnf" \
-subj "/O=${SSL_ORG}/OU=${username}/CN=${hostname}.${username}.${TLD}" \
>/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 7
>/dev/null 2>&1 || (
printf 'Failed to generate %s/%s.cnf\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
# Generate cert
/usr/bin/openssl x509 -req -sha256 -extensions SAN -CAcreateserial \
@ -45,8 +66,20 @@ cat '/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf' <(printf '%s' "${san}") \
-CA "${SSL_CA_CERT}" -CAkey "${SSL_CA_KEY}" \
-passin "pass:${SSL_CA_PASS}" \
-out "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}/server.crt" \
-days "${SSL_DAYS}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 7
chmod 644 "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}/server.crt"
-days "${SSL_DAYS}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || (
printf 'Failed to generate SSL cert %s/%s/server.crt\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
[ -f "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR:?}/${username:?}/${hostname:?}/server.crt" ] || (
printf 'SSL key %s/%s/server.crt was not generated!\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
chmod 644 "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}/server.crt" || (
printf 'Failed to chmod SSL cert %s/%s/server.crt\n' "${username}" "${hostname}" >>"${LOGFILE}"
exit 7
# Remove old files
rm "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}.cnf" "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}.csr" 2>/dev/null
printf 'SSL certs for %s.%s.%s are ready\n' "${hostname}" "${username}" "${TLD}" >>"${LOGFILE}"