#!/bin/bash # FILE: wgapi:back/lib/ssl/peer/del # DESCRIPTION: Delete SSL cert for a removed device # USAGE: del hostname username # ERRORS: # 3: Bad usage # 4: Missing config file # 5: Failed to delete files CONFIG_FILE='/etc/wgapi/config' if ! [ ${#} -eq 2 ]; then printf 'ERROR! Invalid number of arguments to %s: %s\n' "${0}" "${*}" >&2 exit 3 fi; if ! [ -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then printf 'ERROR! %s couldnt find %s\n' "${0}" "${CONFIG_FILE}" >&2 exit 4 fi source "${CONFIG_FILE}" hostname="${1}" username="${2}" if ! sudo rm -rf "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR:?}/${username:?}/${hostname:?}/" 2>/dev/null; then printf 'ERROR! %s failed to delete %s!\n' "${0}" "${SSL_CONFIG_DIR}/${username}/${hostname}/" >&2 exit 5 fi