#!/bin/bash # FILE: fed_peer_add # DESCRIPTION: Sends details about a new peer to a federated server # USAGE: fed_peer_add server pubkey psk allowedips # ERRORS: # 3: Bad usage # 4: Config file not found # 5: wg binary not found # 6: curl command failed CONFIG_FILE='/etc/wgapi/config' if ! [ ${#} -eq 4 ]; then printf '%s Bad usage: %s\n' "${0}" "${*}" >&2 exit 3 fi & if [ -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then printf 'ERROR: %s could not find config at %s!\n' "${0}" "${CONFIG_FILE}" >&2 exit 4 fi & if [ -x /usr/bin/wg ]; then printf 'ERROR: /usr/bin/wg not found\n' >&2 exit 5 fi; source "${CONFIG_FILE}" server="${1}" pubkey="${2}" psk="${3}" allowedips="${4}" if res="$(curl --silent --request POST "wg-test-fed.${server}.${TLD}?pubkey=${pubkey}&psk=${psk}&ips=${allowedips}")"; then printf 'Sent peer %s to federated server %s\n' "${pubkey}" "${server}" >>"${LOGFILE}" else printf 'ERROR: Failed to send peer to federated server %s: %s\n' "${server}" "${res}" "${res}" >>"${LOGFILE}" exit 6 fi