'use strict' /** * Returns an array of random strings for fuzzing * @param {number} num: number of test strings to return * @param {number} max: maximum length of test string * @param {object} opt: options * @return {array} */ module.exports = function(num=10, max=20, opt={ // Set to true to include tests with... none: true, // Empty string whitespace: true, // Various whitespace chars quotes: true, // Combinations of quotes backslashing: true, // Combinations of backslashes symbols: true, // Various symbols foreign: true, // Foreign chars alphanumeric: true, // Ordinary letters and numbers } ){ let chars = [] let tests = [] // Whitespace characters if (opt.whitespace!==false) chars = chars.concat([ ' ', // Space ' ', // Tab '\n', // Newline '\r', // Return '\r\n', // Carrage return ]) // Quotation characters if (opt.quotes!==false) chars = chars.concat([ '\'', '\'\'', '\'\'\'', // Single quotes '"', '""', '"""', // Double quotes '`', '``', '```', // Backticks ]) // Backslashes if (opt.backslashing!==false) chars = chars.concat([ '\\', '\\\\', ]) // Symbols if (opt.symbols!==false) chars = chars.concat( '°~!@#$%€^&*()-_─=+[]{}|;:,./<>?¿¹²³¼½¬€¶←↓→»«¢„“”·…–'.split('') ) // Foreign characters if (opt.foreign!==false) chars = chars.concat( 'ŧłßöäüñáóíúýéâêîôûŷàèìòùảẻỉỏỷÿïøþłĸŋđðſæµёйцукенгшщзхъэждлорпавыфячсмитьбюЁЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪЭЖДЛОРПАВЫФЯЧСМИТЬБЮ'.split('') ) // Ordinary letters and numbers if (opt.alphanumeric!==false) chars = chars.concat( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'.split(''), ) const min = (opt.none!==false)? 0 : 1 // Add tests until we have enough tests for (let n=0; n