{% extends 'templates/base.html' %} {% block title %}{{ super() }} | Dashboard{% endblock %} {% block head %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block main %}

Welcome{% if user.name %}, {{ user.name }}{% endif %}!

To view your location, use this link: http://tracman.org/trac/{{ user.slug }}

You can also embed a map into your website with this code. Be sure to set the width and height attributes to suit your circumstance.

<iframe src="https://tracman.org/trac/{{ user.slug }}?noheader=1" width="90%" style="height:90vh;"></iframe>


Click the button below to download the app from the google play store, if you haven't already.

Get it on Google Play

Without the app running, your location won't update. But you can also set your location to this device's geolocation by clicking the button below.



{% if not user.isPro %}

Want to try Tracman Pro? It's free during beta testing.

{% endif %}

Would you like to submit a suggestion or bug report?

{% endblock %}