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Installing Wireguard base.njk


TODO: Explanation of VPNs

Follow the directions for your respective platform. Report any issues to ki9@gf4.pw.

TODO: Split these into seperate pages



Install wireguard and patch this bug using these commands:

sudo apt install wireguard
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/resolvectl /usr/local/bin/resolvconf

Edit the config file as root

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/gf4.conf

Paste your configuration in there. If using systemd-resolved, adding this line to the [Interface] section of the wireguard config to ensure .gf4 domains resolve through the wireguard interface.

PostUp = resolvectl domain gf4 gf4

Finally save the file and start the service with:

sudo systemctl start wg-quick@gf4

Enable the VPN to start on boot by running:

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@gf4


TODO: Android wireguard configuration.


HELP WANTED: Instructions for configuring on MacOS.


HELP WANTED: Instructions for configuring on Windows 10.


HELP WANTED: Instructions for configuring on an iPhone.


You know everything is working if you can access the private portal on the device. If you see a privacy warning, wireguard is working and you can move on to the next step: Installing the GF4 CA certificate.

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