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Installing Wireguard base.njk


To access GF4's private services, you'll need to connect your device to our VPN. You can connect as many devices as you want (using the wireguard dashboard), but if you're reading this page, you are probably connecting your first device.

But what is it

TODO: Explanation of VPNs, assuming the reader has been bombarded by ads for NordVPN and thinks they know what a VPN is.

Is this safe?

TODO: Explain why this is safe:

  • Modern OSs pack sane default firewalls
  • Invite-only means network participants are generally trustworthy

Joining the network

Follow the directions for your respective platform. Report any issues to ki9@gf4.pw.

TODO: Split these into seperate pages



Install wireguard and patch this bug using these commands:

sudo apt install wireguard
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/resolvectl /usr/local/bin/resolvconf

Edit the config file as root

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/gf4.conf

Paste your configuration in there. If using systemd-resolved, adding this line to the [Interface] section of the wireguard config to ensure .gf4 domains resolve through the wireguard interface.

PostUp = resolvectl domain gf4 gf4

Finally save the file and start the service with:

sudo systemctl start wg-quick@gf4

Enable the VPN to start on boot by running:

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@gf4


TODO: Android wireguard configuration.


HELP WANTED: Instructions for configuring on MacOS.


HELP WANTED: Instructions for configuring on Windows 10.


HELP WANTED: Instructions for configuring on an iPhone.


You know everything is working if you can access the private portal on the device. If you see a privacy warning, wireguard is working and you can move on to the next step: Installing the GF4 CA certificate.

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