
4.2 KiB


v 0.7.6

node.js application to display a sharable map with user's location.


On unix-based systems:

git clone &&\
mv Server tracman-server && cd tracman-server &&\
exec npm install

You will need to set up a configuration file at config/env/env.js. Use config/env/sample.js for an example. You can get API keys at the google developer's console. You will need to set up approved hosts and auth callbacks. There is more information in their documentation.

A good method is to simply copy the sample configuration and point config/env/env.js to the new version:

cp config/env/sample.js config/env/local-config.js
echo "module.exports = require('./local-config.js');" > config/env/env.js

Then edit config/env/local-config.js to match your local environment.


Run Tracman with npm:

(npm run minify & npm run build) && npm start

...or with nodemon:

npm run nodemon

Nodemon will automatically minify files and restart the app when you make changes. Check out the nodemon.json configuration.


Tracman will be updated according to this branching model... more or less. If you know anything about programming Android, the Tracman android app is more desperate for help.


view full changelog


  • #100 Moved CSS out of webpack
  • Fixed #108


  • Added pricing to homepage


  • Improved debugging
  • Fixed bugs #105 and #107
  • #89 Can change marker color


  • Fixed #102 issue creating account


  • Added more debugging to fix auth problems


  • More bug fixes


  • Removed demo recording code
  • Moved email server settings to env file
  • Added SMTP check
  • Minified static files
  • Fixed error when creating user
  • Removed extraneous packages
  • Fixed #87, #96, #92, #84, #76, #77, #32, #57, #58, #60, #50, #51, #52, #54, #55, #61, #62


view full license

Tracman: GPS tracking service in node.js Copyright © 2017 Keith Irwin

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see